King's Lynn - Hunstanton

via Gaywood, QE Hospital, Dersingham, Snettisham & Heacham

Download Full Timetable

Service Updates

Heacham disruption

From Monday 6th to Friday 24th January 2025 there will be disruption and diversions impacting our services 34, 35, 36, 408 and 415 in Heacham. This is due to the closure of Lamsey Lane for Norfolk CC footway works.

Service 34/35/36

During the closure period these routes are unable to serve the following bus stops in Heacham village:

  • College Drive
  • Lodge Road
  • Fenside
  • Fengate
  • Collingwood Close
  • Poplar Avenue (King’s Lynn bound stop not in use)

For buses towards Hunstanton/Wells-next-the-Sea and King’s Lynn please use the bus stops on the ‘normal’ side of the road at Fox & Hounds, Tesco Express, Heacham Manor (34/36) or Nourse Drive/Norfolk Lavender (35).

Poplar Avenue will be served on a one-way loop so the stop facing towards Hunstanton can be used for journeys to Hunstanton AND King’s Lynn. The stop that is normally used for journeys to King’s Lynn will be out of use.

School buses 408 and 415

The only bus stop that these services cannot serve at Collingwood Close. Buses will operate a clockwise loop around the village in the morning and afternoon service all the other stops as normal:

Lynn Road, Station Road, Poplar Avenue, Cheney Hill, Lodge Road, Staithe Road, Poplar Avenue, Station Road and then Lynn Road.

Please accept our sincere apologies for the inconvenience caused by these works but it is something that we have no control over.

Affected Services:

  • bus_16_grey 34/35/36
  • bus_16_grey 34
  • bus_16_grey 35
  • bus_16_grey 36
  • bus_16_grey Coastliner 36
  • bus_16_grey 415
  • bus_16_grey 408
Monday 6th to Friday 24th January 2025
Christmas and New Year Bus Times

Season’s Greetings from all of us at Lynx!

This year’s festive bus times are as follows...

Monday 23rd December - Mon-Fri School Holiday times
Tuesday 24th December - Mon-Fri School Holiday times
Wednesday 25th December (Christmas Day) - No service
Thursday 26th December (Boxing Day) - No service
Friday 27th December - Saturday times
Saturday 28th December - Saturday times
Sunday 29th December - Sunday times (routes 34, 35, 36, 39, 42 and 48 only)
Monday 30th December - Saturday times
Tuesday 31st December (New Years Eve) - Saturday times
Wednesday 1st January (New Years Day) - No service
Thursday 2nd January - Mon-Fri School Holiday times
Friday 3rd January - Mon-Fri School Holiday times
Saturday 4th January - Saturday times
Sunday 5th January - Sunday times (routes 34, 35, 36, 39, 42 and 48 only)
Monday 6th January - Mon-Fri School Day times resume

We’d like to take this opportunity to thank all of our customers that travelled with us in 2024 and look forward to welcoming you back on board in 2025!

Affected Services:

  • bus_16_grey 33 & 33A
  • bus_16_grey 34/35/36
  • bus_16_grey 34
  • bus_16_grey 36
  • bus_16_grey 35
  • bus_16_grey Coastliner 36
  • bus_16_grey 43
  • bus_16_grey 42
  • bus_16_grey 41
  • bus_16_grey 39
  • bus_16_grey 38
  • bus_16_grey 37
  • bus_16_grey 46/X46
  • bus_16_grey 46
  • bus_16_grey X46
  • bus_16_grey 48
  • bus_16_grey 49A
  • bus_16_grey 49
  • bus_16_grey 49/49A
  • bus_16_grey 60
  • bus_16_grey 415
  • bus_16_grey 414
  • bus_16_grey 408
  • bus_16_grey 54A
  • bus_16_grey 54


Print Timetable Go to top Monday to Friday - 34 - King's Lynn - Hunstanton

    Hol Sch                    
Transport Interchange
King's Lynn (Stand E)
06:45 07:15 07:15 07:50 08:10 08:45 then
:15 :45 until 15:45 16:15 16:50
King's Lynn (E)
06:50 07:20 07:20 07:56 08:16 08:51 :21 :51 15:51 16:21 16:56
Bus Shelter
Queen Elizabeth Hospital (W)
06:55 07:26 07:26 08:01 08:21 08:56 :26 :56 15:56 16:26 17:01
Manor Road
Dersingham (N)
07:06 07:39 07:39 08:14 08:34 09:09 :39 :09 16:09 16:39 17:14
Viceroy Close
Dersingham (N)
07:07 07:40 07:40 08:15 08:35 09:10 :40 :10 16:10 16:40 17:15
Pansey Drive
Dersingham (E)
07:08 07:42 07:42 08:16 08:36 09:11 :41 :11 16:11 16:41 17:16
Dersingham (N)
07:09 07:43 07:43 08:18 08:38 09:13 :43 :13 16:13 16:43 17:18
Ingoldisthorpe (N)
07:11 07:46 07:46 08:21 08:41 09:16 :46 :16 16:16 16:46 17:21
Snettisham (NW)
07:14 07:50 07:50 08:25 08:45 09:20 :50 :20 16:20 16:50 17:25
Jennings Close
Heacham (NE)
07:20 07:56 --- 08:31 08:51 09:26 :56 :26 16:26 16:56 17:31
Fox & Hound
Heacham (E)
07:22 07:59 --- 08:34 08:54 09:29 :59 :29 16:29 16:59 17:34
Tudor Crescent
Hunstanton (N)
--- 08:04 --- 08:39 08:59 09:34 :04 :34 16:34 17:04 17:39
Hunstanton (N)
07:29 08:06 --- 08:41 09:01 09:36 :06 :36 16:36 17:06 17:41
Bus Station
Hunstanton (Bay 1)
07:33 08:11 --- 08:46 09:06 09:41 :11 :41 16:41 17:11 17:46
Transport Interchange
King's Lynn (Stand E)
17:20 18:10 19:10 20:10                  
King's Lynn (E)
17:26 18:15 19:15 20:15                  
Bus Shelter
Queen Elizabeth Hospital (W)
17:31 18:20 19:20 20:20                  
Manor Road
Dersingham (N)
17:44 18:30 19:30 20:30                  
Viceroy Close
Dersingham (N)
17:45 18:31 19:31 20:31                  
Pansey Drive
Dersingham (E)
17:46 18:32 19:32 20:32                  
Dersingham (N)
17:48 18:33 19:33 20:33                  
Ingoldisthorpe (N)
17:51 18:35 19:35 20:35                  
Snettisham (NW)
17:55 18:38 19:38 20:38                  
Jennings Close
Heacham (NE)
18:01 18:44 19:44 20:44                  
Fox & Hound
Heacham (E)
18:04 18:47 19:47 20:47                  
Tudor Crescent
Hunstanton (N)
18:09 --- --- ---                  
Hunstanton (N)
18:11 18:53 19:53 20:53                  
Bus Station
Hunstanton (Bay 1)
18:16 18:58 19:58 20:58                  

Timetable notes

  • Not including bank holidays

Journey notes

  • Hol
    • School/College Holidays only
  • Sch
    • School/College Days only

Print Timetable Go to top Monday to Friday - 34 - Hunstanton - King's Lynn

    Sch Hol         Hol Sch        
Bus Station
Hunstanton (Stand A)
06:50 07:50 07:50 then
:20 :50 until 15:20 --- 15:50 16:20 16:50 17:20
Hunstanton (S)
06:52 07:52 07:52 :22 :52 15:22 --- 15:52 16:22 16:52 17:22
Tudor Crescent
Hunstanton (S)
--- --- 07:53 :23 :53 15:23 --- 15:53 16:23 16:53 17:23
Fox & Hound
Heacham (W)
06:59 --- 08:00 :30 :00 15:30 --- 16:00 16:30 17:00 17:30
Jennings Close
Heacham (SW)
07:02 --- 08:03 :33 :03 15:33 --- 16:03 16:33 17:03 17:33
Snettisham (SE)
07:09 08:00 08:10 :40 :10 15:40 15:40 16:10 16:40 17:10 17:40
Ingoldisthorpe (S)
07:12 08:03 08:13 :43 :13 15:43 15:43 16:13 16:43 17:13 17:43
Dersingham (S)
07:15 08:06 08:16 :46 :16 15:46 15:46 16:16 16:46 17:16 17:46
Viceroy Close
Dersingham (S)
07:17 --- 08:18 :48 :18 15:48 15:48 16:18 16:48 17:18 17:48
Manor Road
Dersingham (S)
07:19 08:09 08:20 :50 :20 15:50 15:50 16:20 16:50 17:20 17:50
Bus Shelter
Queen Elizabeth Hospital (W)
07:32 --- 08:33 :03 :33 16:03 16:03 16:33 17:03 17:33 18:03
Elvington Road
King's Lynn (W)
07:33 08:21 08:34 :04 :34 16:04 16:04 16:34 17:04 17:34 18:04
King's Lynn (W)
07:37 08:28 08:38 :08 :38 16:08 16:08 16:38 17:08 17:38 18:08
Transport Interchange
King's Lynn (Stand A)
07:45 08:39 08:46 :16 :46 16:16 16:16 16:46 17:16 17:46 18:15
Bus Station
Hunstanton (Stand A)
17:50 18:20 19:05 19:35 20:05 21:05              
Hunstanton (S)
17:52 18:22 19:07 19:37 20:07 21:07              
Tudor Crescent
Hunstanton (S)
17:53 18:23 --- --- --- ---              
Fox & Hound
Heacham (W)
18:00 18:30 19:13 19:43 20:13 21:13              
Jennings Close
Heacham (SW)
18:03 18:33 19:16 19:46 20:16 21:16              
Snettisham (SE)
18:10 18:40 19:22 19:52 20:22 21:22              
Ingoldisthorpe (S)
18:13 18:43 19:25 19:55 20:25 21:25              
Dersingham (S)
18:16 18:45 19:27 19:57 20:27 21:27              
Viceroy Close
Dersingham (S)
18:18 18:47 19:28 19:58 20:28 21:28              
Manor Road
Dersingham (S)
18:20 18:49 19:30 20:00 20:30 21:30              
Bus Shelter
Queen Elizabeth Hospital (W)
18:33 19:01 19:40 20:10 20:40 21:40              
Elvington Road
King's Lynn (W)
18:34 19:02 19:41 20:11 20:41 21:41              
King's Lynn (W)
18:38 19:06 19:44 20:14 20:44 21:44              
Transport Interchange
King's Lynn (Stand A)
18:45 19:12 19:50 20:20 20:50 21:50              

Timetable notes

  • Not including bank holidays

Journey notes

  • Sch
    • School/College Days only
  • Hol
    • School/College Holidays only

Print Timetable Go to top Saturday - 34 - King's Lynn - Hunstanton

Transport Interchange
King's Lynn (Stand E)
06:45 07:15 07:50 08:10 08:45 then
:15 :45 until 15:45 16:15 16:50 17:20
King's Lynn (E)
06:50 07:20 07:56 08:16 08:51 :21 :51 15:51 16:21 16:56 17:26
Bus Shelter
Queen Elizabeth Hospital (W)
06:55 07:26 08:01 08:21 08:56 :26 :56 15:56 16:26 17:01 17:31
Manor Road
Dersingham (N)
07:06 07:39 08:14 08:34 09:09 :39 :09 16:09 16:39 17:14 17:44
Viceroy Close
Dersingham (N)
07:07 07:40 08:15 08:35 09:10 :40 :10 16:10 16:40 17:15 17:45
Pansey Drive
Dersingham (E)
07:08 07:41 08:16 08:36 09:11 :41 :11 16:11 16:41 17:16 17:46
Dersingham (N)
07:09 07:43 08:18 08:38 09:13 :43 :13 16:13 16:43 17:18 17:48
Ingoldisthorpe (N)
07:11 07:46 08:21 08:41 09:16 :46 :16 16:16 16:46 17:21 17:51
Snettisham (NW)
07:14 07:50 08:25 08:45 09:20 :50 :20 16:20 16:50 17:25 17:55
Jennings Close
Heacham (NE)
07:20 07:56 08:31 08:51 09:26 :56 :26 16:26 16:56 17:31 18:01
Fox & Hound
Heacham (E)
07:22 07:59 08:34 08:54 09:29 :59 :29 16:29 16:59 17:34 18:04
Tudor Crescent
Hunstanton (N)
--- 08:04 08:39 08:59 09:34 :04 :34 16:34 17:04 17:39 18:09
Hunstanton (N)
07:29 08:06 08:41 09:01 09:36 :06 :36 16:36 17:06 17:41 18:11
Bus Station
Hunstanton (Bay 1)
07:33 08:11 08:46 09:06 09:41 :11 :41 16:41 17:11 17:46 18:16
Transport Interchange
King's Lynn (Stand E)
18:10 19:10 20:10                    
King's Lynn (E)
18:15 19:15 20:15                    
Bus Shelter
Queen Elizabeth Hospital (W)
18:20 19:20 20:20                    
Manor Road
Dersingham (N)
18:30 19:30 20:30                    
Viceroy Close
Dersingham (N)
18:31 19:31 20:31                    
Pansey Drive
Dersingham (E)
18:32 19:32 20:32                    
Dersingham (N)
18:33 19:33 20:33                    
Ingoldisthorpe (N)
18:35 19:35 20:35                    
Snettisham (NW)
18:38 19:38 20:38                    
Jennings Close
Heacham (NE)
18:44 19:44 20:44                    
Fox & Hound
Heacham (E)
18:47 19:47 20:47                    
Tudor Crescent
Hunstanton (N)
--- --- ---                    
Hunstanton (N)
18:53 19:53 20:53                    
Bus Station
Hunstanton (Bay 1)
18:58 19:58 20:58                    

Timetable notes

  • Not including bank holidays

Print Timetable Go to top Saturday - 34 - Hunstanton - King's Lynn

Bus Station
Hunstanton (Stand A)
06:50 07:50 then
:20 :50 until 16:20 16:50 17:20 17:50 18:20 19:05 19:35 20:05 21:05
Hunstanton (S)
06:52 07:52 :22 :52 16:22 16:52 17:22 17:52 18:22 19:07 19:37 20:07 21:07
Tudor Crescent
Hunstanton (S)
--- 07:53 :23 :53 16:23 16:53 17:23 17:53 18:23 --- --- --- ---
Fox & Hound
Heacham (W)
06:59 08:00 :30 :00 16:30 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:13 19:43 20:13 21:13
Jennings Close
Heacham (SW)
07:02 08:03 :33 :03 16:33 17:03 17:33 18:03 18:33 19:16 19:46 20:16 21:16
Snettisham (SE)
07:09 08:10 :40 :10 16:40 17:10 17:40 18:10 18:40 19:22 19:52 20:22 21:22
Ingoldisthorpe (S)
07:12 08:13 :43 :13 16:43 17:13 17:43 18:13 18:43 19:25 19:55 20:25 21:25
Dersingham (S)
07:15 08:16 :46 :16 16:46 17:16 17:46 18:16 18:45 19:27 19:57 20:27 21:27
Viceroy Close
Dersingham (S)
07:17 08:18 :48 :18 16:48 17:18 17:48 18:18 18:47 19:28 19:58 20:28 21:28
Manor Road
Dersingham (S)
07:19 08:20 :50 :20 16:50 17:20 17:50 18:20 18:49 19:30 20:00 20:30 21:30
Bus Shelter
Queen Elizabeth Hospital (W)
07:32 08:33 :03 :33 17:03 17:33 18:03 18:33 19:01 19:40 20:10 20:40 21:40
Elvington Road
King's Lynn (W)
07:33 08:34 :04 :34 17:04 17:34 18:04 18:34 19:02 19:41 20:11 20:41 21:41
King's Lynn (W)
07:37 08:38 :08 :38 17:08 17:38 18:08 18:38 19:06 19:44 20:14 20:44 21:44
Transport Interchange
King's Lynn (Stand A)
07:45 08:46 :16 :46 17:16 17:46 18:15 18:45 19:12 19:50 20:20 20:50 21:50

Timetable notes

  • Not including bank holidays

Print Timetable Go to top Sunday - 34 - King's Lynn - Hunstanton

Transport Interchange
King's Lynn (Stand E)
08:00 08:50 then
:50 until 15:50 17:10 18:10 19:40
King's Lynn (E)
08:06 08:56 :56 15:56 17:15 18:15 19:45
Bus Shelter
Queen Elizabeth Hospital (W)
08:11 09:01 :01 16:01 17:20 18:20 19:50
Manor Road
Dersingham (N)
08:24 09:14 :14 16:14 17:30 18:30 20:00
Viceroy Close
Dersingham (N)
08:25 09:15 :15 16:15 17:31 18:31 20:01
Pansey Drive
Dersingham (E)
08:26 09:16 :16 16:16 17:32 18:32 20:02
Dersingham (N)
08:28 09:18 :18 16:18 17:33 18:33 20:03
Ingoldisthorpe (N)
08:31 09:21 :21 16:21 17:35 18:35 20:05
Snettisham (NW)
08:35 09:25 :25 16:25 17:38 18:38 20:08
Jennings Close
Heacham (NE)
08:41 09:31 :31 16:31 17:44 18:44 20:14
Fox & Hound
Heacham (E)
08:44 09:34 :34 16:34 17:47 18:47 20:17
Tudor Crescent
Hunstanton (N)
08:49 09:39 :39 16:39 --- --- ---
Hunstanton (N)
08:51 09:41 :41 16:41 17:53 18:53 20:23
Bus Station
Hunstanton (Bay 1)
08:56 09:46 :46 16:46 17:58 18:58 20:28

Timetable notes

  • Not including bank holidays

Print Timetable Go to top Sunday - 34 - Hunstanton - King's Lynn

Bus Station
Hunstanton (Stand A)
09:05 09:55 then
:55 until 16:55 18:05 18:35 19:05 19:35 20:35
Hunstanton (S)
09:07 09:57 :57 16:57 18:07 18:37 19:07 19:37 20:37
Tudor Crescent
Hunstanton (S)
09:08 09:58 :58 16:58 --- --- --- --- ---
Fox & Hound
Heacham (W)
09:15 10:05 :05 17:05 18:14 18:43 19:13 19:43 20:43
Jennings Close
Heacham (SW)
09:18 10:08 :08 17:08 18:17 18:46 19:16 19:46 20:46
Snettisham (SE)
09:25 10:15 :15 17:15 18:23 18:52 19:22 19:52 20:52
Ingoldisthorpe (S)
09:28 10:18 :18 17:18 18:26 18:55 19:25 19:55 20:55
Dersingham (S)
09:31 10:21 :21 17:21 18:28 18:57 19:27 19:57 20:57
Viceroy Close
Dersingham (S)
09:33 10:23 :23 17:23 18:29 18:58 19:28 19:58 20:58
Manor Road
Dersingham (S)
09:35 10:25 :25 17:25 18:31 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00
Bus Shelter
Queen Elizabeth Hospital (W)
09:48 10:38 :38 17:38 18:43 19:10 19:40 20:10 21:10
Elvington Road
King's Lynn (W)
09:49 10:39 :39 17:39 18:44 19:11 19:41 20:11 21:11
King's Lynn (W)
09:53 10:43 :43 17:43 18:47 19:14 19:44 20:14 21:14
Transport Interchange
King's Lynn (Stand A)
10:01 10:51 :51 17:51 18:55 19:20 19:50 20:20 21:20

Timetable notes

  • Not including bank holidays

Generated on 13/12/2024 11:59